Monday, November 23, 2009

A Tour Through My Home

My Family and I live in a two bedroom single wide trailer in a park run by a sweet lady. One day I hope to be a smidgen of how awesome she is! Anyways, I am posting a virtual tour of our home. It's not much but it suites us for now. Once Kidlet is older we will have to move and that will be a sad day for all of us! This is what I try and keep relatively organized and clean. What could be so hard about keeping a tiny place like that clean and neat? Well you try packing three people (a 5 year old to boot!) and all their stuff into a single wide trailer and you tell me how to do it! LOL I'll gladly accept advice!

My Dining Area

My Stove and Cooking Area (Small ain't it?)

Living Room Area (needs cleaning in this shot)

Other View of Living Room Area...and Kidlet.

Computer Area/Workspace AKA-Messy Desk

Kidlet's Messy Room

Our Tiny Bedroom

The Desk Nook in our Bedroom (The BEST thing about our room!)

Our Bathroom

And To Finish our Tour:

A Blurry View Of Our Front Porch!

Menu Plan Monday

So this week is going to be a scattered mess! It's inevitable every year around the Holidays! Plans are made and changed within 24 hours! Seriously! So this menu is going to be rather tentative. My son is off from school the 25th-30th so those days I'll have to cook Lunch too. Yay! *sigh*

Monday-Greek Salmon and rice (my husband's favorite meal)
Tuesday-Chicken tenders (non breaded) and dipping sauces, with a side of spinach (have some left over and want to use it up)
Weds-Thanksgiving..not sure what is going on yet. Breakfast-Pancakes
Thursday-Breakfast-Sausage Buscuits, Lunch-Leftovers probably, Dinner-Leftovers/Potluck
Friday-Breakfast-Scrambled eggs, Lunch-Grilled Cheese, Dinner-Hamburgers and fries

Monday, November 16, 2009


Well today is going to be rather different. My son is sick and has a Doc's appointment for the afternoon. I'll try and get some "normal" things done while he's laid out on the couch but I probably will be too busy taking care of him. Here is my "normal" list for Mondays.

Monday-Kitchen Day
  • sweep and mop floor
  • wipe down all counters and fixtures
  • clean out fridge
  • write out grocery list
  • take out trash
Daily Tasks-What I do to keep my house running
  • pick up laundry and run a load
  • make bed and help kiddo make his bed (today I'll do it for him)
  • swish and swipe bathroom (flylady habit)
  • vacuum if needed (which would be a no today)
  • do a tidy walk thru (picking up paper, clothes, books, etc. and putting them away)
Special Things for Today-
  • Doctor's appointment-1:15pm
  • Grocery Store run
So that is my Monday. It's usually more relaxed because the little munchin is at school but today is going to be interesting! Wish me luck!

Menu Plan Monday

Monday-Breakfast-Turkey bacon and eggs
Lunch-Turkey Sandwiches and Milk
Dinner-Pink Salmon and rice with rolls

Tuesday-Breakfast-Eggs and toast
Dinner-Chicken breast with broccoli stir fry
Wednesday-Breakfast-Waffles with Yogurt
Dinner-Hamburgers and Fries
Thursday-Breakfast-Waffles with Yogurt
Dinner-Fish and Rice
Sunday-No plans

***I'm currently trying a low carb diet so anytime you see carbs (ie-rice, fries, ect..I will not be eating them****

Monday, November 9, 2009

What do I do?

I'm a Stay at Home Mommy. That's pretty much my full time gig. I do little things here and there to earn some cash. Nothing too much. I do data entry on the side and a few other things. Here are my links if you wanna check them out and sign under me I would appreciate it.

Cloud Crowd-a company that uses a FaceBook app to help foreign (mainly Asian) websites improve their business appearance. You will mainly correct bad grammar, spelling, etc., or approve/reject the editing of other workers. It's pretty cool! You get paid daily or every other day!!!

ClixSense.Com-This is a pay per click site. It's fun and easy! you won't make much but it's something!

There are a few other places that I dabble in but these two are the ones that I consistently make money on! Thanks for checking them out!

Friday, November 6, 2009


Well today was an interesting day. We had a parent teacher conference at Kid's school. The teacher told us basically that Kid acts very immature for his he's five! Seriously what is he supposed to act like? I'm a bit leery at this woman's ability to teach my child. I mean yeah he does need to work on following directions but how is a five year old immature? Aren't they all immature at that age?

Main Entry: im·ma·ture
Pronunciation: \ˌi-mə-ˈtr, -ˈtyr, -ˈchr\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin immaturus, from in- + maturus mature
Date: 1548
1 archaic : premature
2 a : lacking complete growth, differentiation, or development

Really now? Anyway, so we agreed that we would start to give him more responsibilities around the house. Help him "gain maturity" and all that jazz. I understand her point there. I do pick up after him and what not because it is more easy for me. So that will start to change. She does say that he is super smart. He's on track with his class in his academics. So I'm not worried there. So that meeting was kind of a waste. She told us what we already knew in some ways. He wasn't in pre-school. He wasn't in daycare. He was at home with me so yeah he will have some socialization issues but that's what Kindergarten is for right?

Well enough of all that serious business.

Sometimes all that is needed is a few LOLcats in your life.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Today's Funny brought to you by the letters L-O-L

What I do all day...

You see this happy house-cleaning lady? (Up top in case you missed it) Well that is not me. I try..really hard. I sure do. I have signed up for those massive spam mails where she tells you to put on your shoes, shine your sink, and make you bed every day. I have made lists, planners, calendars, and even put post-its on things, to remind myself that yes every morning I should get dressed and brush my teeth. I kid you not! I want so desperately to have a house (okay a I am a mobile home park dwelling red-neck without the red neck) that is presentable and all that stuff. I like to imagine I'm the mom that is on top of it all! You know the one that is dressed to the nines with make up and jewelery, bringing the bestest HOME MADE pies to the bake sale, etc! Well I'm far from it!

I'm the one that shows up relatively on time, brings the store bought pie, the generic version of everything. I'm the Mom that really wants to volunteer to run the booth at the (fill in the blank) festival but can't because she only has one car and her husband works all day. I'm the mommy that the other mommy's like but don't really know. That's me!

No, I'm not upset about it. I mean it would be nice to be all rich and stuff but that isn't the hand I was dealt. I'm a stay-at-home Mother whose husband (who by the way I think is super hawt!) delivers pizza and works his booty off for us. I do my thing at home while the kid and the man are gone. I clean, do VERY light data entry from home, and generally try and make life easier for the man. I try and bring in a little bit of money here and there to help with bills. So that's my "job."

My hobbies...yup I'm gonna fill you in on those! I love to read. I have a book in my purse/hands almost all the time. I review books, like I said in my first post. I do that for fun. It's made my life so much more interesting! I don't go all out and write volumes for the reviews. I am pretty basic and straight forward. Basically, if I don't like it you'll know.

I play online games in my spare time. I'm not all hardcore about it, but it's something to pass the spare time I have. I'm currently trying to get into Guild Wars. For two reasons, it's kinda easier to play with my schedule, and it's free! The biggest problem I had with World of Warcraft was that as you level up you have to get into groups and they usually have schedules. I cannot play on a schedule (cuz then it would be a job, right?) Guild Wars can almost entirely be played solo. So yay for that! WoW is also kinda expensive so is my path. Plus, when Husband comes home he wants to play his game, so my time is rather limited.

So that's me. I won't bore you with my favorite color (black) or my favorite food (sushi) or anything like that. I'll just ease you into being my buddy! You know you wanna get to know me!

...with that I'll leave you with a little bit of yummy...enjoy!

Welcome to My Side Project!

So this blog is going to be a side project to my other. I review books and products on Must Read Faster. This blog will be where I deposit my thoughts and whatnots on my life.
I don't have a crazy life or anything but I do like to "talk." So here I am on this one! Sit and stay a while and enjoy!

Things to expect:
  • nearly daily posts about my plans for the day
  • random thoughts
  • whatever makes me smile/laugh/snort coffee out of my nose
  • just whatever i want really
Hope you enjoy!