Friday, November 6, 2009


Well today was an interesting day. We had a parent teacher conference at Kid's school. The teacher told us basically that Kid acts very immature for his he's five! Seriously what is he supposed to act like? I'm a bit leery at this woman's ability to teach my child. I mean yeah he does need to work on following directions but how is a five year old immature? Aren't they all immature at that age?

Main Entry: im·ma·ture
Pronunciation: \ˌi-mə-ˈtr, -ˈtyr, -ˈchr\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin immaturus, from in- + maturus mature
Date: 1548
1 archaic : premature
2 a : lacking complete growth, differentiation, or development

Really now? Anyway, so we agreed that we would start to give him more responsibilities around the house. Help him "gain maturity" and all that jazz. I understand her point there. I do pick up after him and what not because it is more easy for me. So that will start to change. She does say that he is super smart. He's on track with his class in his academics. So I'm not worried there. So that meeting was kind of a waste. She told us what we already knew in some ways. He wasn't in pre-school. He wasn't in daycare. He was at home with me so yeah he will have some socialization issues but that's what Kindergarten is for right?

Well enough of all that serious business.

Sometimes all that is needed is a few LOLcats in your life.

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